
Thursday, August 19, 2004

Serious thought 1 

Would you give an old geezer wheezing down the road an helping hand? Would you help that old lady struggling with shopping bags a much needed respite? What's that I hear? All of you? Everytime? Wonderful. I have the dubious honour of addressing a big bunch of liars! :)

Now before you all drive down with pitchforks and stakes to my house...quite a lot of you know where I live (or do you, sv? :) ) let me explain. Picture yourself as that geezer or old lady some 10-20 yrs from now. What would you do if someone gave you the chance to "help" yourself 20 yrs hence? Well, all of us have that chance. How many of us take it?

I am talking about controlling your diet and 'committing' some regular exercise just so that the future you can walk a little easier, feel a little less tired and live a more painless life. I am talking about studying a little harder, working a little more so that the future you would not have to worry too much about finances.

But seriously, can you imagine a 20 yr old abstaining from drinking/smoking just to help out a 40 yr old stranger?



Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Gaia has 'got ya' 

Ever wondered what life would be like beyond the solar sysytem? Of course you have. Everyone has. I think it's something to do with the plantation being more envious on the other side of the nefarious dealer of stolen goods.
Anyway, just the other day I was staring out of the window of a moving bus while it was raining heavily. My train of thought chugged along the lines of whether there would be rain (of any kind) on other planets, if and when will man colonise other planets, you know...just the average kind of thoughts after finishing a Philip K. Dick novel. Suddenly, I had a more scarier thought...What if Man is never intended to leave Earth? I mean, what if Earth has some kind of life nourishing force that Man needs to remain alive? They say that Gravity would have been discovered long ago if it has a tendency to shut down once in a while. In other words, some things have to be absent for a while to realise their presence. In such a case, what if you realise the absence of this force only after say, leaving the orbit of Jupiter or after the Solar System?
Man has only been to the moon so far; hence this is perfectly valid paranoia...name one person who can refute it with proof!

We are already overpopulating the Earth, replenishing its resources and generally playing havoc all in the hope that someday we can leave home and settle elsewhere. Imagine the scenario when the news breaks out on Earth that all 18 (or 50??) billion will have to stay home, its just not safe out there.

Scary, huh? :)

Signing off with some topical copy-paste from Pyramids by Terry Pratchett:

"And it was while he was staring vaguely ahead, lost in that Zen-like contemplation which occurs at moments like this, that there was a faint pop in the air and an entire river valley opened up in front of him. It's not the sort of thing that ought to happen to a thoughtful lad. Especially one who has to wash his own uniform. "



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